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Registration for the congress
is closed

Review of the IHSG Congress - International Herbage Seed Group Conference
June 2023 – France


I am very pleased to finally announce that FNAMS, with the support of SEMAE and partners from the French seed sector, will host the 11th International Herbage Seed Group Conference in France (Angers, Center of France and the Champagne areas) from 11 to 18 June 2023. Even though we have been through a worldwide pandemic, we also know that IHSG members have continued their work to obtain a better knowledge of herbage seed production and how research can benefit this production.


The next conference in France will therefore be a great opportunity for you to meet old and new friends of IHSG. You will hear from top researchers in the field of grass seed research and production about their work. Dedicated growers will give their view on their challenges and success stories. You will also see exciting posters and be able to join a very interesting field tour through some of the best landscapes in beautiful France. I’m certain that many participants from throughout the world will join in this event which we have been looking so much forward to.


I hope to see many of you in France.



René Gislum 


President, IHSG
Associate professor 
Department of Agroecology,

Aarhus University


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